Real estate legal services
TRUST. The main legal way to acquire property in Mexican coasts for a foreigner. F-LEX offers you the best options of trustees, helping in all the process to co
MORE DETAILSCorporate law
INCORPORATION. Constitute a corporation in Mexico has its particularities, we assure your startup and help you in all the process till you get your business re
CONTRACT LAW. Remember that the mexican legal system is a civil law jurisdiction and in the private sector the main principle that rules is “pacta sunt servanda” me
MORE DETAILSCivil and comercial litigation
F-LEX provides legal services including litigation, defending your
rights in civil and business matters.
Breach of contract, Voidable Contracts, Termination, St
MORE DETAILSTranslation Services
F-LEX offers you certified translations for public documents and courtesy translations if the content of your contract its total
MORE DETAILSServicio Pericial de Traducción
F-LEX te ofrece traducciones certificadas por perito traductor con nombramiento vigente, sobre documentos públicos expedidos en el extranjero o por autoridades nacionales